

Financial Investigations

With this new specialist conference, all those involved want to contribute to the support of the cooperation as well as the training and further education of the prosecutors, the police, financial and other administrative authorities.
Financial investigations by the law enforcement authorities are of considerable importance for the detection, allocation, asset protection and confiscation of criminally obtained assets and for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and the investigation of other criminal offenses. This also includes determining the circumstances that can serve as a basis for the statutory compensation for victims or damage compensation.
In addition, procedural-independent financial investigations serve to research suspicious facts that result, for example, from financial transactions or conspicuous financial conduct, without a criminal offense already being able to be clearly assigned.

follow the money
For the effective fight against financial crime for example, the German BMF Federal Ministry of Finance bundles the most important competencies under the umbrella of a new authority: the "Federal Authority for Combating Financial Crime" (BBF) from the three pillars new Federal Financial Criminal Office BFKA, Financial Intelligence Unit FIU (which was part of the BKA until 2017) and the new Central Office for Money Laundering Supervision.
For this, the digitilization and networking of all registers must be promoted, which is also part of the core task of the GPEC® digital.

Federal Minister of the Interior and Homeland Nancy Faeser and the President of the BKA Holger Münch emphasized at the BKA autumn conference that the BKA and the Federal Police will therefore continue to expand their financial investigation capabilities and promote cooperation between all authorities. In addition, cooperation with the financial world must be further expanded.


Michael Hase and Kay Dube, subject area 23 - combating crime, main subject area 2 advanced training for the police;

HöMS Hessian University for Public Management and Security
Union of the three institutions

  • Hessian University for Police and Administration (HfPV)
  • Police Academy Hesse (HPA)
  • Central Advanced Training Hesse (ZFH)


Content including (the conference is mostly in German)::

  • Keynote BMI; Ministeriladirektor Dr. Christian Klos, Head of Directorate-General for Public Security; Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, Germany
  • The BBF project - starting point and initial considerations for a higher federal authority to combat financial crime; Nikolas Hecht, Head of Unit, Project BBF; Federal Ministry of Finance
  • Asset recovery and combating money laundering - status and prospects from the point of view of the BKA; Chief Detective LKD Dr. Frank Lippert, Head of the Economic and Financial Crime Unit of the Serious and Organized Crime Division; Federal Criminal Police Office BKA
  • The national and international contribution of the Italian Financial Police Guardia di Finanza; Lieutenant Colonel Marco Favarin, Liaison Officer in Germany at the Customs Criminal Police Office and RILO Western Europe; Guardia di Finanza
  • The Financial Intelligence Unit Fiu at the German Customs Criminal Office and the activities of FIU connecting officials at the state criminal offices; Jürgen Lenz, FIU connection officer at the Rhineland-Palatinate LKA State Criminal Police Office; General customs office
  • Financial investigations in connection with the "Cyberbunker" in Traben-Trarbach and the crypto communication service "Exclu"; Central Office for Cybercrime (LZC) of the Attorney General Koblenz and State Criminal Police Office (LKA) Rhineland-Palatinate
  • The concept of the police union to effectively combat financial crime, money laundering and organized crime (Follow the money / suspicious wealth order) with a financial police; Frank Buckenhofer, Chairman GdP Customs, Deputy Chairman GdP Federal Police; GdP Gewerkschaft der Polizei
  • Financial investigations and the establishment of the future higher federal authority to combat financial crime; Thomas Liebel, Bundesvorsitzender, Federal Chairman, BDZ German Customs and Finance Union
  • Cooperation in money laundering prevention; Hans-Martin Lang, Head of National Cooperation in the Money Laundering Prevention Department; Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
  • Collection of IT-forensically relevant data on a running computer system in use with the help of the Forensic Extractor FX-1; Ward off digital attacks, presentation of suitable software and hardware; Thomas Schmalz; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Cybersicherheit mbH & Co. KG
  • Anti-Money-Laundering-Act obligations of the private sector and their added value for authorities and criminal prosecution practice; Michael Peters, member of the board of the Federal Association of Money Laundering Prevention (BGP) e. V.; Senior Managing Director, Ankura Consulting Germany GmbH
  • Financial investigations at Deutsche Bank AG / opportunities for cooperation with German security authorities; Thomas Sternjacob, Head Fraud Investigations GER/EMEA I Counter Terrorism & Proliferation Financing; Deutsche Bank



The conference is mainly in German, please see the German section below.


Date & Location:
26th April 2023, 09:30 - 17:00 hours
GPEC® digital 2023 / Congress Center, Messe Frankfurt, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1



Zeit Themen Vortragende
09:30 Begrüßung und Einführung Veranstalter Dr. Uwe H. Wehrstedt und Moderatoren Michael Hase +Kay Dube
09:45 Keynote Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat Ministerialdirektor Dr. Christian Klos, Abteilungsleiter Öffentliche Sicherheit; BMI
10:15 Das Projekt BBF – Ausgangspunkt und erste Überlegungen zu einer Bundesoberbehörde zur Bekämpfung von Finanzkriminalität Nikolas Hecht, Referatsleiter, Projekt BBF; Bundesministerium der Finanzen
10:45 Rolle der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht im Rahmen der Geldwäscheprävention und ihre Schnittstellen zur neuen BBF und ihren einzelnen „Säulen“ Hans-Martin Lang, Referatsleiter Nationale Zusammenarbeit in der Abteilung Geldwäscheprävention; Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
11:10 Vermögensabschöpfung und Geldwäschebekämpfung – Stand und Perspektiven aus Sicht des BKA LKD Dr. Frank Lippert, Leiter der Gruppe Wirtschafts- und Finanzkriminalität der Abteilung Schwere und Organisierte Kriminalität; Bundeskriminalamt
11:35 Der nationale und internationale Beitrag der italienischen Finanzpolizei Guardia di Finanza Oberstleutnant Marco Favarin, Verbindungsbeamter beim Zollkriminalamt und RILO Western Europe; Guardia di Finanza
11:55 Die Financial Intelligence Unit FIU beim Zollkriminalamt und die Tätigkeit von Verbindungsbeamten der FIU bei den Landeskriminalämtern Jürgen Lenz, FIU-Verbindungsbeamter beim Landeskriminalamt Rheinland-Pfalz; Generalzolldirektion
12:15 Mittagspause Messebesuch
13:15 Neues (und Altes) aus dem Cyberbunker Oberstaatsanwältin Beatrix Jakobs, Landeszentralstelle Cybercrime (LZC); Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Koblenz und PARin Melanie Bohland; Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Rheinland-Pfalz
14:00 Sammlung von IT-forensisch relevanten Daten an einem laufenden Computersystem im Einsatz mit Hilfe des Forensic Extractors FX-1, Digitale Angriffe abwehren. Vorstellung geeigneter Software und Hardware Thomas Schmalz; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Cybersicherheit mbH & Co. KG
14:20 GwG-Verpflichtungen der Privatwirtschaft und ihr Mehrwert für Behörden und die Strafverfolgungspraxis Michael Peters, Vorstandsmitglied im Bundesverband Geldwäscheprävention (BGP) e. V.; Senior Managing Director, Ankura Consulting Germany GmbH
14:45 Kaffeepause Messebesuch
15:30 Finanzermittlungen in der Deutsche Bank AG / Kooperationsmöglichkeiten mit deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden Thomas Sternjacob, Head Fraud Investigations GER/EMEA I Counter Terrorism & Proliferation Financing; Deutsche Bank AG
16:00 Das Konzept der Gewerkschaft der Polizei zur wirksamen Bekämpfung von Finanzkriminalität, Geldwäsche und Organisierter Kriminalität (Follow the money / suspicious wealth order) mit einer Finanzpolizei Frank Buckenhofer, Vorsitzender GdP-Zoll, Stell. Vorsitzender GdP-Bundespolizei; Gewerkschaft der Polizei
16:25 Finanzermittlungen und der Aufbau der künftigen Bundesoberbehörde zur Bekämpfung der Finanzkriminalität Thomas Liebel, Bundesvorsitzender; BDZ Deutsche Zoll- und Finanzgewerkschaft
16:50 Fazit und Verabschiedung Moderatoren Michael Hase +Kay Dube
