

Video Intelligence 2023

Vigilant instead of surveillance - that's what we mean by modern video recording and analysis technology. While the majority of the population, according to representative surveys, advocate a higher vigilance through video usage, many of these projects are failing in various legal hurdles. It seems that people still prefer that their data are collected by private software companies from overseas, rather than from their democratically legitimized constitutional state.

And this despite the fact that the possibilities for combating and clarifying crime today are at an exceptionally high level. Not only the recording thanks to unbeatable sensor solutions, but also the evaluation with the help of artificial intelligence and deep learning could raise the public security to a completely different level. The topic of the evaluation of mass data suggests in any case a completely new chapter of police work.

The conference "Video Intelligence 2023" will pick up these new technical possibilities and examine the practical implementations based on current projects. Together, a basis should also be created on how public and legal concerns can be dispelled in the long term. Everything on April 26, 2023 as part of the GPEC® digital 2023!

The conference will be held mostly in German language, therefore, please make use of the agenda information at the German section and the following registration form in German.
ModerationChief Police Director (ret.) Alexander Fuchs
Former Head of the Special Forces Directorate Baden-Württemberg, former head of the riot police headquarters in Göppingen, former Commander special forces unit SEK Baden-Württemberg


Date & Location:
26th April 2023, 14:00 - 17:30 hours
GPEC® digital 2023 / Congress Center, Messe Frankfurt, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1



Zeit Thema Referent
14:00 Begrüßung und Einführung Veranstalter Dr. Uwe H. Wehrstedt und Moderator Leitender Polizeidirektor a. D. Alexander Fuchs
14:15 Die CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Enviroment) des Landeskriminalamtes Baden-Württemberg - Einsatzmöglichkeiten einer virtuellen Tatortbegehung bei der Sachbeweisführung; Gegebenheiten des Tatorts für spätere dreidimensionale virtuelle Tatortrekonstruktion mit „Cave“ konservieren Stefan Knapp; LKA Baden-Württemberg
14:45 Projekt Intelligente Videoanalyse und Sicherheitsbahnhof Berlin Südkreuz Leonid Scharf, Produktmanagement, Abteilung 5 Zentrum für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik; Bundespolizeipräsidium
15:15 Kaffeepause Besuch der Fachmesse
15:45 Auswertung von Video-Massendaten mithilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz. Vertrauen in der Bevölkerung und Transparenz Sabrina Wagner, Sales Manager; Videmo Intelligente Videoanalyse GmbH
16:15 Einsatz von Bodycams und ihre Systemintegration Christian Scherf, Geschäftsführender Direktor Public Safety; Axon Public Safety Germany SE
16:45 Videosicherung von Objekten und öffentlichen Räumen - KI und Datenschutz in der Videosensorik Prof. Dr. Clemens Gause, Geschäftsführer; VfS - Verband für Sicherheitstechnik e.V.
17:15 Fazit und Verabschiedung Moderator Leitender Polizeidirektor a. D. Alexander Fuchs