See the comprehensive spectrum for the Digitization of Public Security!
2024, it was again part of the one covering all subject areas GPEC®
Visit this special edition of Europe’s leading closed specialized trade fair on digitalization and innovations for police and all security authorities of public security, law enforcement and homeland defence and benefit from the unique one stop shop character and the trendsetting framework programme!
Date 2025: 2 - 3 April 2025, again in Leipzig, Germany
In 2024 it iwas again part of the all subject areas covering GPEC® 2024 , 6 - 8 May 2024 in Leipzig, Germany
Register GPEC®-Patronage
- GPEC® digital 2025: Dr. Tamara Zieschang, Ministerin für Inneres und Sport des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
- GPEC® 2024: Armin Schuster, Sächsischer Staatsminister des Innern
- GPEC® digital 2023: Peter Beuth, Hessischer Minister des Innern und für Sport
- GPEC® 2022: Nancy Faeser, Bundesministerin des Innern und für Heimat
- GPEC® 2020: Horst Seehofer, Bundesminister des Innern, für Bau und Heimat
- GPEC® digital 2019: Sicherheitskooperation der Länder Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen, vertreten durch die fünf Innenminister bzw. Senatoren
- GPEC® 2018: Volker Bouffier, Hessischer Ministerpräsident
- GPEC® 2016: Dr. Thomas de Maizière, Bundesminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2014: Dr. Thomas de Maizière, Bundesminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2012: Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, Bundesminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2010: Dr. Thomas de Maizière, Bundesminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2008: Joachim Herrmann, Bayerischer Staatsminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2006: Dr. Günther Beckstein, Bayerischer Staatsminister des Innern und Dr. Albrecht Buttolo, Sächsischer Staatsminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2004: Ute Vogt, Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin beim Bundesminister des Innern und Horst Resch, Sächsischer Staatsminister des Innern
- GPEC® 2002: Wolfgang Bosbach, Stellv. Mitglied des Innenausschusses und des Rechtsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages
- GPEC® 2000: Wolfgang Bosbach, Stellv. Mitglied des Innenausschusses und des Rechtsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages
Warning of wrong dates and venues and fraudulent address providers
Unfortunately, different providers use our event names every year to increase the webtraffic to their websites but publish wrong dates and venues. Please always check our websites for up-to-date and correct information.
Cheaters offer alleged lists of participants. Such offers are never authorized by us and the data do not come from us, if any, are available. Because most of the time, the websites and server names contained in the sender email address do not exist, which in turn indicates fraudulent intentions. Often times even the dates and locations are incorrect.
We never give out contact information!
Unfortunately, there are no legal options for dealing with such deceptive offers that always come from abroad.
So please be careful and don't react.